Dev Machine Setup for Vagrant!
On Macs, all the software is pretty automatic. Munki installs VirtualBox, git, and Vagrant. On Ubuntu, you’ve got a few more steps - add our apt-repo and install VirtualBox, Vagrant, git, nfs-kernel-server. From there, the user simply has to install our vagrant plugin and run it. That will clone all the repos, install other plugins, and configure anything that needs to be configured!
And that’s it! vagrant up
Well, sort of anyway. We have a vagrant plugin that helps manage our vagrant resources. This plugin is internal only at the moment because it statically deals with our project configuration. Essentially it has 3 commands - setup
, clean
, and purge
. The setup command checks your vagrant install for the plugins that we require, and installs them if you don’t have them or if you are out of date. It also clones all the git projects you need and prompts you to configure your a...