AutoPkg With Munki

So my last post was about using AutoPkg in general, but lets talk about using it with munki! It only makes sense that a tool made to automate the downloading of packages would also be able to automate adding them to your munki repo.

Once you’ve got AutoPkg set up and a few repositories added to it, you can tell it where your munki repository is located like this: defaults write com.github.autopkg MUNKI_REPO /path/to/munki_repo

Now, All you do is run autopkg run <recipe>.munki and it will do the rest!

You will get some output like this:

The following new items were downloaded:

The following new items were imported:
    Name                     Version          Catalogs                         Pkginfo Path
    ----                     -------          --------                         ------------
    GoogleChrome             29.0.1547.57     production                       apps/GoogleChrome-29.0.1547.57.plist

And that’s it! At this point you will have to move the files into whatever organized file structure you want and edit the pkginfo to match the catalogs you want things to be in, but that will change when we talk about overrides!


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