Getting quick information about your EC2 instances…  

So, something that has always sort of annoyed me - getting IP addresses and other specific information about your EC2 instances has always been a bit clunky. Obviously, there is the awscli, but it isn’t exactly the easiest place to get this information from on the fly… Assuming you don’t have instance IDs memorized. And if you do, please tell me why you know those, but not the IPs of your systems!

There is also the other obvious answer, which is the web console, but that just takes a bit longer than it really needs to, doesn’t it? Logging in, navigating to ec2, selecting the ‘instances’ section, etc.

Anyway, via the cli you can do stuff like filter based on specific attributes to get your results, but it really comes down to having to type all that out and remembering all the syntax and whatnot. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want to have to type that stuff out every time I quickly need an IP. So, I quickly wrote a small, terrible application (sorry guys, I’m still learning. Feel more than free to open issues/pull requests to tell me all the crap I did wrong or could improve) in golang that takes instance names (partial or complete) and instance ids (also partial or complete) and returns the full name, instance ID, and the internal and external (if applicable) IPs of every matching instance.


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Devs without Admin

Most developers cringe a bit when they first hear that. How are they going to work? How are they going to test code and experiment with new technologies without admin rights? On the other hand, organizations like ours have hipaa and... Continue →