Dealing with Munki

There seems to be a lot of confusion with people who are just starting out with it. There are manifests and catalogs, and optional installs, and included manifests, etc… The documentation does a pretty good job of explaining it, so let me point you there first. But after you go through that, you may still have some questions about practical usage. Well, the best thing you could do would be to set up munki in a development environment and mess around with it. When I first started trying to use munki, I read a lot about it and I talked to Greg Neagle (the creator), but nothing helped quite as much as setting it up and just trying things. Sure, I broke some stuff at first, but when I was done with that, I was fairly confident in my abilities.

And finally…

Obviously there is a lot more to know about Munki, but these are the four basic building blocks you will want to understand when getting started. Hopefully I will have more on this for you later!


Now read this

AutoPkg With Munki

So my last post was about using AutoPkg in general, but lets talk about using it with munki! It only makes sense that a tool made to automate the downloading of packages would also be able to automate adding them to your munki repo. Once... Continue →